Monday, May 18, 2009

What's coming up???

Look for a separate blog about our ReStore Opportunity coming up on Saturday!

Hi guys! I threw a lot of information at you yesterday in Sunday School with a promise to update the blog with all the information. So here goes:

May 20th- Meet @ 6PM in the activities building for balloon animal, face painting, slip discs, etc training. We will use this training for our churchwide visit to James Island County Park on Sunday, May 24

May 21: Skillet at the PAC with Decypher Down and Disciple. Meet at the church at 5:30PM with $$ for supper, then we will go on to the PAC for the concert.

May 24: James Island County Park Family outreach event. Start time TBA (Keep watching the blog!!)

May 30: Pot Roast dinner @ the home of Ruth and Albert Jenkins. We will enjoy great food and great discussion about the book The Shack. Meeting time is 6:30PM.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's April Fool's Day!

But I promise not to pull any pranks...until you least expect it that is!! Rest assured, though, that all the info posted on the blog today is accurate and true and worth following up on!

Here is the stuff you need to know!

Sunday School will begin at 9:15
Worship will begin at 10:30 in the Sanctuary
There will be NO Rising service

Following the worship time there will be lunch for EVERYONE in the activities building. I need several youth volunteers who will agree to help carry trays from the fellowship hall to the activities building (like we did last year). I'll sign you up on Sunday!

Plan to stay for a while and PLAY! We need a killer kick ball team lined up and ready to go! We will be playing the Adult 5 class (aka Brian Crawford, Sam Smoak, Justin Welch, and Jamie Lloyd)

AND DON'T FORGET! Service Project Saturday is THIS SATURDAY, April 4th!

Be in the church parking lot at 10AM with trash bags in hand. Make sure to bring a bag lunch and drink, too, so we can picnic together after we've spent some time cleaning up some local parks. We will finish be back to the church parking lot around 1:30.

See you then!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lowcountry Funsaver Fund Raiser


Check out this video clip featuring the Funsaver Fundraiser I emailed you about:

If we go ahead with this, we will begin this fundraiser March 15. I would love for each of our kids to try and sell 10-15 books each. Money will go directly to your summer youth activities!


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Family Date Night

Moms and Dads of Teens!!! This is YOUR night to hang out together! Faith And Family night is March 7th at the Stingrays Hockey game. Tickets are $10 each, start time is 5PM, and after the game DecembeRadio will be in concert! I've linked you to two DecembeRadio videos so you can get an idea of what they are like. I've met these guys and I can assure you that they are humble servants of God who love to rock music! Please let me know ASAP if you are planning on going so we can get group tickets. I will take money this Sunday for tickets you wish to order.

I do hope you'll consider making this a time to connect with your teen. It should be a lot of fun, and I know you don't want to miss out!

Satisfy Me by DecembeRadio:

Drifter by DecembeRadio:

You can see pix I took when DecembeRadio visited the Charleston area last April on tour with Third Day here and visit their myspace here

Monday, February 16, 2009

CARTA pray day

Parents, I thought you might like to see what our day will be like today! You can pray for us as we enjoy our time downtown, praying about our city and it citizens. As you can see, this list is FAR from comprehensive, but these are the things that came to mind as I developed our prayer focus for this event.

CARTA pray day:

1) Observe the people on the bus, even the people in our group. Who looks happy? Who looks tired? Who looks sad or lonely? Who looks discouraged? As you take note of people’s expressions and their emotions, say a quick prayer for them that God will be a part of their day today and He will make his presence known.
2) When we get off the bus, take a look around at the buildings that surround you. Inside those buildings are more people who have stresses and concerns today. Pray that God will bring them moments of peace and freedom from anxiety.
3) Look at the sidewalk. Thousands of people walked these sidewalks this weekend as part of the Southeastern Wildlife Expo. Say a word of thanks to God that people came to our city this weekend and because they spent money, they contributed to the jobs that people in our community need.

We are going to walk towards the market area. Enjoy positive conversation with our group as we walk, but pay attention to the people you see as you walk.

4) As we enter the market area, take a moment to remember that although slaves were never sold at THIS market in Charleston, people were sold here. Say a word of thanks the we live in a country where there are laws that protect us all from that kind of activity.
a. However, people are still enslaved in this country and across the world. Human trafficking is multi-billion dollar business. Pray that the people who work to make this stop will be successful. Pray for those trapped in lives of enslavement that they will soon see freedom.
b. Pray also that we can be effective as a church body in showing people that Jesus is the way to escape the enslavement of sin

5) As you walk through the market, pay attention to the vendors. Many of them work here 7 days a week. For some, this is extra income. For some, this is their only income.
a. Pray that God will protect their merchandise from shoplifters
b. Pray that God will provide them with enough income to take care of their families
c. Pray for their health that they may work as many days as they need to
d. Pray that they will be honest in their business practices

6) You may see one vendor you think looks interesting. It’s certainly okay to have a conversation with them, bring a word of encouragement to them, even tell them that you prayed for them today.

We are now going to walk towards the College of Charleston (we are going to eat at at diner on George street…you’ll love it)

7) While we are in the diner and you are waiting for your food, make good use of your time.
a. Pray for your family and the relationship that you have with each member…pray that you will be a source of encouragement and joy to them
b. Pray for any concerns you have about friends, school, your future, your dreams, etc
c. Pray to be more surrendered to Jesus every day.

Enjoy your lunch and your time with friends! We are going to walk through the C of C campus

8) Pay close attention to the students that you see. Many of them are Christians, many of them are not. All of them are struggling with decisions and struggling to become adults. Pray that God will make His presence known in their lives in a way that says He is undeniable. Without Him, they are left to figure out their lives by themselves.
9) The College of Charleston has many professors who are atheists or agnostics. They are in a position where they can influence the minds and hearts of people who will be impacting our world in the future.
a. Pray that in spite of any hostility or agenda they have against Christianity that the Christian students on campus won’t lose heart and will stand firm in their faith
b. Pray that Christian students will minister to these professors in ways that show Jesus’ love is very real

We are going to catch the bus back to ARBC. As we finish out the day, pray for each other, our church family, our ministers on staff and their families, and the adults who work faithfully in the youth department.

Thanks for being a part of CARTA pray day!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

LONG weekend fun!

Hi all!

We have the luxury of a long weekend coming up! WOOO!!!

Make sure to do something fun for your sweetie on Valentine's day, but then make sure to come to church Sunday morning for worship

Sunday evening, Feb. 15 we will have movie night at the home of Josh Fairchild. Please arrive at 7PM with $5 for pizza and a snack to share. The movie will start around 7:30 so don't be late! Please feel free to bring a friend. As of right now, I'm not sure what movie we will see, but check back often. I'll update the blog as soon as I decide on the flick.

CARTA Pray day

Wondering what to do on your day off Monday? I have the perfect plan. Meet in the church parking lot at 10:30 Monday morning with $ in hand (bus fare is 1.25 both ways) and $ for lunch. We'll ride CARTA downtown and rour our city, but not in a "tourist-y" way. Time to open our eyes, ears, and hearts to see who and what makes our city tick...and then stop and pray for those people and systems. We'll eat lunch somewhere on King street so make sure to bring enough cash to cover that, too. Monday's excursion is designed to be thought, prayer, and discussion provoking...and fun! Don't miss out!